Container lashing examples in LOCOPIAS

To demonstrate the lashing module, this example has been made using the aftmost bay in the LOCOPIAS software for the Morgenstond. This demo version of LOCOPIAS can be downloaded and installed on your computer. Please note that this just a random, yet realistic example of the influance of a lashing computer in combination with weather dependent lashing.

The Cargo Securing Manual, which is based on the worst anticipated condition, requires 32 rods.

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The lashing computer takes the actual container weights and metacentric height into account. Here the GM is 10 cm lower and the average container weight is reduced by 10%.
This results in: 24 rods = 25% reduction.

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Now a loading condition with reduction variant ‘Europe – South Africa’.
8 rods => 75% reduction.

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Last but not least with weather dependent lashing where the wave height and wind speed are manual input.
0 rods => 100% reduction.

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